Date: Thu 25 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 13

Ringing Rodger

Date: Thu 25 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 1


Dog Callout 14  -  25th July 2024 0330hrs Search dog Dottie was called to assist Derby MRT with an incident on Stanton Moor. 

Date: Mon 22 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 5

Odin Mine

Incident 95 - Monday 22nd July 2024 09:02hrs. A request from a local Castleton farmer to assist with a stuck lamb. Local team members were tasked with taking a look to see if we could safely extract Shawn from a shallow hole on the side of hill at Odin Mine. A cunning but wooly plan was soon developed and it was decided to excavate around the small hole, and make a ramp leading to the surface. A fresh supply of Shawns favourite snack was placed around the entrance to hopefully entice him from his subterranean dilemma. After retreating to a safe distance,  Shawn was seen to exit his lamb cave, and was observed munching his way back up the hill to the rest of the gang. However, his freedom was very shortlived, as the farmer soon recaptured Shawn for a health check. What a close shave that was, we wish Shawn good luck and hope that he enjoys his much needed sheepwash.

Date: Sun 21 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 19

Mam Tor

Incident 94 - Sunday 21st July 2024 13:55hrs. A couple walking in the Mam Tor area had their day disrupted after one of them slipped and injured their ankle rendering them unable to move. Some team members were at base so we're able to respond to the scene pretty quickly. After strong analgesia, the ankle was splinted into a vacuum splint. A reasonably easy evacuation downhill on a bridleway soon brought the casualty to the awaiting ambulance for transportation to hospital and further care.

Date: Sun 21 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 1

Dog 13 - Baslow

Dog Callout 13  -  21st July 2024 0920hrs Search dog Bolt was called to assist Derbyshire Police with an incident near Baslow. 

Date: Sat 20 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 22

Whirlow Park

Incident 92 - Saturday 20th July 2024 20:03hrs. A request to a mountain bike rider with an injured leg. A local team doctor was on scene within minutes of the call out, and was able to start giving immediate care and analgesia for an upper leg injury. As other team members started to arrive, the equipment was taken to the casualty site where the casualty was placed onto a mountain rescue stretcher and evacuated to the awaiting ambulance at the road for onward transportation to hospital in Sheffield.  

Date: Sat 20 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 1

Stanage Edge

Incident 91 - Saturday 20th July 2024 11:05hrs. A request from the Peak District Controller to a report of a stuck and injured sheep on Stanage Edge. Two climbers had reported the sheep to the Police who requested Mountain Rescue to investigate. The team duty controller contacted the farmer who agreed to go himself to see if we would be needed. Fortunately our services were not needed and the farmer was able to deal with incident safely on his own which meant team members could carry on with the major equipment check at Edale base.   

Date: Fri 19 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 15


Incident 91 - Friday 19th July 2024 11:22hrs. A request from the Peak District Duty Controller to an incident near to Monsal Head. A walker had taken a tumble and consequently ended up injuring an ankle rendering them unable to walk. A W3Ws position put them in a field not too far away from the road. Local team members were first on scene, however no casualty was found. At this moment the team duty controller experienced a bit of Deja vu. After various methods of communication were attempted, a successful phone-find was received back from the informants phone which actually put them above the Monsal Trail above Cressbrook Mill. With this new information we were able to relocate resources and it was also at this point that we were able to establish a voice call with the informant confirming location. Buxton were also asked to attend as this new information put the incident firmly in to their operational patch. After treatment and analgesia the casualty was packaged onto Buxton's stretcher, and carried back up to the Monsal trail where Buxton MRT vehicles were waiting. The Ambulance assigned to the job also managed to access the trail so the casualty could be transferred directly into the ambulance for onwards care.

Date: Thu 18 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 20


Incident 90 - Thursday 16th July 2024 15:52hrs. Our third job of the day again came in before we had finished the second job. A boulderer had fallen and injured both ankles on landing on the crash mat. As some more team members were beginning to become available after work, we were able to get on scene quite quickly. After been given some analgesia the offending ankles were then splinted and the casualty was able to be maneuvered into the back of one of our vehicles for a short drive back to the car park at South Burbage. The climbers two friends were happy to convey their friend to Barnsley Hospital A&E Dept  for further treatment.  

Date: Thu 18 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 17

Slippery Stones

Incident 89 - Thursday 16th July 2024 14:15hrs. While we were sorting the logistics of incident 88, a second request of the day came our way. Someone had slipped around the Slippery Stones area of the Upper Derwent Valley, which had resulted with an head injury. Contact had then been lost an no further contact could be made. Some team members were able to be released from the first incident and traveled in a team vehicle to within a 100m of Slippery Stones. No casualty could be found and after extensive searching of that area and beyond, our casualty could not be found. No members of the public had seen anything suspicious either. The team stood down and informed the emergency services of the outcome.

Date: Thu 18 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 14

Jaggers Clough

Incident 88 - Thursday 18th July 2024 13:14hrs.   The first request of the day was to a walker in Jaggers Clough with a lower leg injury. Because of issues with communications in the bottom of the Clough, the duty team leader could not talk to the party to confirm injuries or location. First team members on scene started treatment for the injury and gave analgesia to help with the pain before splinting. The casualty was then packaged onto a mountain rescue stretcher and conveyed back to the Edale road for transportation and further care to a local hospital. 

Date: Wed 17 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 2


Team members we requested to assist Woodhead MRT on an ongoing search in the Silkstone area 

Date: Sun 14 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 2


Dog Callout 12  - 14th July 2024 12:20hrs Search dogs Bolt, Flo and Hope travelled to Silkstone to assist Woodhead MRT with a search for a missing person. 

Date: Sat 06 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 4


Incident 86 - Saturday 6th July 15.00hrs Whilst out on a routine vehicle training drive, a team member was flagged down in Castleton by some members of the public. A walker had taken a slip in the fields between Castleton and Hope and sustained a painful ankle injury. With a little reinforcement from a couple more team members and a second vehicle. The walker was evacuated back to the road for onward transport to hospital.

Date: Thu 04 Jul 2024

Team members involved: 17

Rivelin Valley

Incident 85 - Thursday 4th July 18.45hrs Two individuals that had travelled to the swimming pond in Rivelin Valley for a swim and a picnic had their adventure cut short when one of them sustained an ankle injury exiting the water. They managed to hobble to the main track where they were treated by an ambulance crew.  The Team then stretchered the casualty to the ambulance on Rails Road. To request Mountain Rescue. Dial 999, ask for Police and then Mountain Rescue. 

Date: Sun 30 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 19


Incident 84 - Sunday 30th June 15.51hrs The team were called by our duty controller to reports of a walker out for an afternoon ramble with friends. The walker, who had taken a fall in the Offerton area of Hathersage was reportedly unable to continue. Fortunately several team members were at base and responded quickly. As team members were travelling, a further call to our duty team leader with an update to say that, with the help of friends, the Walker was able to make their way back to the roadside safely and that our assistance was no longer required. The team were stood down shortly after. 

Date: Thu 27 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 15

Wooler Knoll

Incident 83 - Thursday 27th June 10.29hrs A call to the team from our duty controller to reports of a fallen mountain biker in the Wooler Knoll area above Ladybower Reservoir.  Initial reports were that the biker had taken a fall resulting in a shoulder injury. Fortunately we were able to drive a team 4x4 vehicle close to the incident and as first team members arrived on scene it was evident the biker had a dislocated shoulder.  He was then administered pain relief before having the shoulder reduced by team medics.  Once treated, the biker was able to walk to the previously driven 4x4 team vehicle before being driven back down the track to a waiting ambulance for onward transport to hospital and further treatment. 

Date: Tue 25 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 29

Eyam moor

Incident 82 - Tuesday 25th June 16:15hrs The team was requested to assist in the search for a person whom the police had concerns for their welfare. Due to the location that their car was located the search concentrated on Eyam Moor, Bretton Clough and the surrounding area. In addition to our team members we were assisted by 6 Mountain Rescue Search dog handlers and a drone team from Buxton MRT. After extensive footpath and area searching over five hours to no avail, we started to put further search plans into place to widen the search area. Shortly after, further intelligence came in that the person could be in a certain area of the moorland and we requested deployment of the drone to investigate and confirm that it was the missing person. The missing person was located safely and provided with support following a day out on the moor.   

Date: Sun 23 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 1


Dog callout 11 - 23rd June 2024 2200hrs Searchdog Hope was called to assist Derby MRT with a incident near Swinscoe on the Derbshire/Staffordshire border.    

Date: Sun 23 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 19

Mam Tor

Incident 81 - Sunday 23rd June 15:40hrs The second incident of the day was a request for the team to respond to reports of a collapsed walker in the Mam Tor summit area. A number of team members were still at base from the morning’s equipment checking session and so were able to respond quickly from Mam Nic. The walker was located on the main path, treated by team members and ambulance personnel before being stretchered back down for onward transport to hospital. To request Mountain Rescue for assistance in the hills - Dial 999, select Police and then ask for Mountain Rescue. 

Date: Sun 23 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 17


Incident 80 - Sunday 23rd June 04:25hrs An early morning request to attend a walker with an ankle injury in the upper reaches of Cavedale.  No contact was possible with the the walker to confirm their location so team members proceeded to the location provided. However upon arrival there was no sign of the walker. Brief searches of the locality did not locate anyone other than a few wild campers.  As no further information was available the decision was made that the walker must have self rescued. Team members returned to base for a bite to eat and an earlier than planned start to our equipment maintenance session.  For assistance in in the hills Dial 999 ask for the police then Mountain Rescue 

Date: Fri 21 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 15

Stanage Edge

Incident 79 - Friday 21st June 23:43hrs The team was contacted to reports of someone having fallen from the top of Stanage Edge and having sustained serious injuries. Upon arrival it was apparent they were in a serious condition with multiple fractures and internal injuries. The casualty was stabilised by team members and rapidly evacuated down to the road for onward transport to the regional trauma centre by ambulance. Some team members then retuned to base in the early hours to replenish kit and equipment ready for the next call.   

Date: Thu 20 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 17

Kinder Scout

Incident 78 - Thursday 20th June 2024 19:43hrs. We were called to attend to reports of a collapsed and unconscious walker in the area of Nether Tor on Kinder Scout. A separate passing group had come across the casualty and raised the alarm; incredibly fortunate considering the time of day.  The team deployed from Edale village, climbing up the Nab towards the top of Golden Clough and arrived on scene at roughly the same time as Helimed 98. The walker had fortunately recovered slightly and was able, with assistance, to be transferred to the waiting helicopter for a direct flight to Northern General Hospital. Team members were left with a very pleasant evening's walk back down off Kinder with the summer solstice sun settling in the distance, to repack and restock kit outside the Nags Head. Remember to request Mountain Rescue - Dial 999, ask for Police and then Mountain Rescue.

Date: Sat 15 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 17

Burbage South

Incident 77 - Saturday 15th June 2024 18:37hrs. A request to a walker suffering a medical incident on the Burbage Valley track. As team members were travelling to the incident, a further update came through that the patient had managed to be walked back to the car park at Burbage South and was being cared for by medical personnel. The team were stood down and were able to carry on with their Saturday evenings.

Date: Wed 12 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 3


Dog Callout 10 13th June 2024, 2040hrs Three of the teams dog handlers were called to assist Buxton MRT with an incident at Doveholes.   

Date: Sat 08 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 9

Gillfield Woods

Incident 76 - Saturday 8th June 2024, 13:48hrs As team members were committed to the hill on incident 75, a request came for assistance to the statutory services with a person reported to be "trapped in quicksand" near Totley, Sheffield. There are some particularly boggy delphs in that area, so team members not on the first incident made their way to the RV to assist.  On arrival, it was clear that the stuck person had been unstuck by the Fire and Rescue service and had been walked back to the roadhead. A good conclusion to a messy situation!

Date: Sat 08 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 14

Crookstone Knoll

Incident 75 - Saturday 8th June 2024, 11:40hrs   The team were called to a walker with a lower leg injury on Crookstone Knoll. Team members drove as far as possible beyond Crookstone Barn and then deployed onto the hill on foot. After assessing the walkers injured leg they were evacuated by stretcher back to the team 4X4. From here they were conveyed back to the road.   

Date: Thu 06 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 2

Mam Tor

Incident 74 - Thursday 6th June 2024 10:46hrs. A member of the public reported that they thought they could see someone stuck on the face of Mam Tor. A local team member was despatched to take a closer look with a pair of binoculars and report back before calling the team. On arrival it was obvious through the binoculars that the orange item looked to be nothing more sinister than a nylon orange rucksack rain cover. Thank you to the member of the public who reported this, it is not always obvious, and it could easily have been a person.

Date: Mon 03 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 16

Derwent East side track

Incident 73 - Monday 3rd June 2024 16:18hrs. A report of a cyclist with breathing difficulties on the East side track of Derwent reservoir. The first vehicle on scene found the casualty at a quite notorious bit of an hairpin on the Dams loop above Howden Dam. The cyclist had fallen off their bicycle and had suffered a chest injury making breathing difficult. They were treated by team members and given pain relief and supplementary oxygen before being conveyed onto a ambulance for further treatment at Sheffield Northern General Hospital.    

Date: Sun 02 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 9

Lose Hill

Incident 72 - Sunday 2nd June 2024 15.31hrs. As we were dealing with incident 71 our third call of the day came through to assist a walker who had suffered a medical collapse above Lose Hill Farm. A few team members not currently at incident 71 were diverted to assist the walker and were quickly on scene. Once on scene the walker was assessed and treated, they were then able to walk with assistance back to a waiting vehicle for onward transport to their accommodation. As incident 71 was still in progress team members then made their way to assist.

Date: Sun 02 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 4

Mam Nic

Incident 71 - Sunday 2nd June 15:25hrs. As the team arrived at Mam Nic for incident 70, an ambulance crew had just put a request in for mountain rescue assistance to stretcher a walker 100 m to the ambulance over rough and steep ground. While the majority of team members were left to deal with inc 70, four team members along with the ambulance crew placed the walker onto one of our stretchers and conveyed them up to the awaiting ambulance.  

Date: Sun 02 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 13

Mam Tor

Incident 70 - Sunday 2nd June 2024 15:15hrs. A call through Derbyshire Constabulary from the staff at Blue John Cavern to someone in distress on the face of Mam Tor. As team members were at base, we were quick to respond and after getting through the heavy traffic of Winnats Pass we arrived on scene to find two people who were indeed stuck on the face. Team members from below established the best position to lower the rescue system from the summit. Two team members descended on ropes to secure the crag fast couple and eventually lower them to safety at the base of Mam Tor

Date: Sun 02 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 2


Dog Callout 9  2nd June 2024, 1449hrs Search dogs Dottie and Hope called to assist Staffordshire Search and Rescue with an incident at Uttoxeter. 

Date: Sun 02 Jun 2024

Team members involved: 25

Calton Lees

Incident 69 - Sunday 2nd June 2024 14:00hrs. A call for our assistance to what was initially reported as a cardiac arrest. As a team paramedic and several other team members arrived at the RV, it was apparent that it was not a cardiac arrest but a slip causing a broken wrist. The team stood down en route

Date: Fri 31 May 2024

Team members involved: 17


Incident 68 - Friday 31st May 2024 16:20hrs. A call via the ambulance service to help with a casualty at Chatsworth. A visitor to the parkland took a tumble after they slipped on greasy rocks while crossing a stream, resulting in a suspected broken leg. With the statuary services in attendance, our task was simply to stretcher the casualty up the bank sides to the waiting ambulance. After further assessment, the walker was transferred to hospital for further treatment.

Date: Thu 30 May 2024

Team members involved: 10

Calton Lees

Incident 67 - Thursday 30th May 2024 14:20hrs. A request to attend an incident south of Chatsworth House. A young DofE student suffered a medical collapse while walking with her group. Because of the nature of the incident an air ambulance was requested. A Chatsworth estate worker was able to take the vehicles to within 100m of the casualty site, enabling us to begin giving care. Helimed 54 landed on scene a short time after our arrival and a land ambulance also attended the incident. After a primary survey and further examination by the air ambulance crew, it was decided to convey them to Chesterfield Royal Hospital in the land ambulance. Thank you to the estate worker for guiding us down the tracks to the site.   

Date: Wed 29 May 2024

Team members involved: 14

Winn Hill

Incident 66 - Wednesday 29th May 2024 12:45hrs. A request from Derbyshire Constabulary via the Peak District Mountain Rescue Organisation duty controller to attend an incident on Winn Hill.  A young member of a Gold DofE group had suffered a medical event and was unable to carry on. A feeling of deja vu was in the air as the incident was basically exactly what we re enacted in last nights training. The first team vehicle managed to drive along a off road track, and get to within 100m of the casualty site. As other team members arrived at the RV they started the ascent up Parkin Clough to join the rest of the team. A team paramedic was in the first team party and after a primary survey, he made a decision to request for air support. Helimed 54 was tasked, and once on scene we were able to stretcher the casualty to the air ambulance for an onward journey to Sheffield Northern General for further treatment and care. Thank you to the DofE group who did an excellent job of looking after their friend until we arrived on scene.

Date: Wed 29 May 2024

Team members involved: 8

Edale Valley

Incident 65 Wednesday 29th May 2024 10:25hrs. A request for assistance to an animal stuck above deep water and on a near vertical and loose slope in the Edale Valley. The team leader along with one of our swift water rescue technicians, (SRT) went along to evaluate and carry out a risk assessment prior to mobilizing the team water group.   As the team were collecting kit from base, another incident came through for a DofE student taken ill on Winn Hill. After the incident on Winn Hill, team members returned to the stricken lamb and reassessed the situation as the lamb had managed to get in a more awkward spot than before. Two SRT3 team members entered the water with the team raft and along with some aggressive swimming techniques they managed to get to the lamb. After some gentle lamb wrangling the lamb was placed inside a secure bag and hoisted up from its position to the bridge above.  No team members were hurt in this incident and baaaaa, (sorry I did try to not do any sheep puns) any complaints from the lamb, all ended well with a very happy farmer, and a quite nonchalant Ewe, quite unaware of where her baby had been for the last eight hours.  

Date: Tue 28 May 2024

Team members involved: 17

Hagg Side

Incident 64 - Tuesday 28th May 2024 11:05hrs We were called by our duty controller to assist a horse rider on the track above Hagg Side.  The rider, who was unfortunately thrown from her horse had suffered a lower leg injury. The team were quickly on scene to treat the injury before loading her onto a mountain rescue stretcher and then conveyed to a waiting ambulance for onward transport to hospital and further treatment. We would like to thank our neighbouring team Glossop for their assistance with this incident and also the local farmer for allowing us to park at the farm.  

Date: Sat 25 May 2024

Team members involved: 13

Beeley Hilltop

Incident 63 - Saturday 25th May 2024 16:20hrs An off road motorcyclist on the track above Beeley Top Farm unfortunately came off his motorcycle and was unable to move. The team were just finishing the days fundraising so were able to respond very quickly to the scene. Ambulance personnel and team members treated the casualty for possible hip and spine injuries, was given analgesia, before loading him into a vacuum mattress to be then transferred to the ambulance for conveyance to hospital for scans and further treatment. Thank you to the farm owners for allowing us access and parking at the farm. After a busy day it was time to regroup and replenish the kit on vehicles and a well earned brew.  

Date: Sat 25 May 2024

Team members involved: 1

Small Clough Edale

Incident 62 - Saturday 25th May 2024 15:20. An incident with a walker falling into a stream was being dispatched to Buxton Mountain Rescue Team by the duty controller when we offered to send a team member who was fundraising nearby in Edale to assist. The Edale team member was first on scene alongside the ambulance crew and was able to give immediate care to the injured walker. The walker was able to be assisted into the awaiting ambulance at Small Clough farm by the crew and mountain rescue team members without the need for a stretcher.   

Date: Sat 25 May 2024

Team members involved: 12

Mow cap

Incident 61 - Saturday 25th May 2024 12:27hrs A report to a fallen walker above Stanage. Team members fundraising at Hathersage were quickly on scene to the walker who had tripped and injured their knee, rendering them unable to walk. After mild pain relief we were able to splint the leg and carry the walker on a mountain rescue stretcher back to the car park at Surprise View. Friends of the walker were happy to convey their friend to hospital for further assessment and treatment thus freeing up a land ambulance for more urgent taskings.

Date: Sat 25 May 2024

Team members involved: 10

Mam Farm area

Incident 60 - Saturday 25th May 2024 08:38hrs. Just as some team members were leaving their homes to start the Bank Holiday fundraising, a request from the PDMRO controller to an incident in the Mam Farm area. A lone walker had slipped on steep and muddy ground between the Great Ridge and Mam farm. A local team member was the first on scene who started to give primary care. As other team members arrived on scene with kit, the offending leg was splinted and the walker stabilized onto our stretcher to be conveyed down to the awaiting ambulance at the roadhead. 

Date: Sun 19 May 2024

Team members involved: 22

Carl Wark

Incident 58 -  Sunday 19th May 2024, 11:05hrs We received a call to attend to a walker who had suffered a lower leg injury somewhere to the east of Carl Wark fort in the Burbage valley.  Unfortunately the casualty could not be recontacted and a fix on their exact location not confirmed. Though a bit of perseverance and a number of different approaches to the rough area; the casualty and family members were located by a team doctor on the slopes above Burbage beck bridge.  Team members were then able to treat the walker for their injuries before evacuating them back to Burbage South carpark and a waiting ambulance.  If you need help on the hills, remember to call 999 and ask for POLICE - MOUNTAIN RESCUE  

Date: Sat 18 May 2024

Team members involved: 5

Curbar edge

Incident 59 - Sunday 19th May 2024, 16:52 hrs. The team were contacted to standby to assist at an incident that Derbyshire police were attending near Curbar edge. The incident was concluded safely without MR deployment on the hill. Buxton MRT sent their drone team over should an aerial search be required at the request of the police, but no deployment was necessary. 

Date: Mon 13 May 2024

Team members involved: 13


Incident 57 - Monday 13th May 2024, 1803hrs The team received a call from the PDMRO Duty Controller to reports of a Mountain biker that had sustained an injury information was very limited initially due to lack of phone signal in the Ladybower area Once we arrived at the RV we met the informant, one of the cyclist friends who led us to the location of the incident Upon arriving the casualty was assessed and due to the nature of the injuries was able to be driven back to the car park in one of our team vehicles before being handed over for onward transportation to hospital  

Date: Sun 12 May 2024

Team members involved: 4

Bamford edge

Incident 56 - Sunday 12th May 2024, 22:43hrs   A call came in the later part of the evening for 2 walkers that had become disorientated on Bamford edge during a period of bad weather. After checking their position with phone find technology, a small group of team members went on the hill to escort them back to safety and check on their welfare  

Date: Sun 12 May 2024

Team members involved: 17

Stoney Middleton

Incident 55 Sunday 12th May 2024 The team were called to a fallen climber in the Stoney Middleton Area. We were able to deploy quickly as we were on one of our routine equipment maintenance sessions. Once arriving on scene, The casualty was assessed treated and carried back to our RV point for further transportation to hospital

Date: Sat 11 May 2024

Team members involved: 11

Upper Booth

Incident 54 - Saturday 11th May 2024 22:41hrs. Our third incident of the day was to attend a walker with a medical issue between Upper Booth and Jacobs ladder in the Edale Valley.  Upon arrival the walker who was being supported by their partner and a passing group was found to be in a semi conscious state. Team members assessed the walker and evacuated them by stretcher to Upper Booth Farm, where they were handed over to the ambulance service for further assessment and transportation to hospital.

Date: Sat 11 May 2024

Team members involved: 23

Burbage North

Incident 53 - Saturday 11th May 2024 15.49hrs. Our second incident of the day was again to a fallen climber; this time on Burbage North. Fortunately two team members were also coincidentally climbing nearby and were therefore on scene within minutes. As the rest of the team, vehicles and equipment arrived the casualty was treated for a serious lower leg injury before being evacuated back to the road to the waiting ambulance. 

Date: Sat 11 May 2024

Team members involved: 22

Birchen’s Edge

Incident 52 - Saturday 11th May 2024 10:41hrs. The team were called to attend to a fallen climber below Nelson’s monument on Birchens edge . Fortunately a good number of team members were not too far away attending a crag training session and could respond directly to the incident.  The casualty was treated for their injuries before being stretchered to the top of the crag and into the waiting air ambulance. 

Date: Thu 09 May 2024

Team members involved: 18


Incident 51 - Thursday 9th May 2024 07:18hrs.   A request from the PDMRO duty controller to assist with an incident in the Burbage Valley. The team were mobilized to RV at Fox House ready to assist with a potential incident on South Burbage rocks. Fortunately the teams assistance was not needed in the end and we were able to stand down at the RV.

Date: Sat 04 May 2024

Team members involved: 22

Burbage South

Incident 50 - Saturday 4th May 2024, 1648hrs The team was called to assist a person who had had a medical event on the moors above the Burbage valley. Team members out fundraising were rapidly on scene and treated the patient alongside the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. The patient was stretchered off by the team to an ambulance as their condition was stable, leaving the air ambulance free for other taskings. 

Date: Sat 04 May 2024

Team members involved: 8

Grenoside Woods

Incident 49 -Saturday 4th May 2024, 1132hrs The team received a request from Woodhead MRT to assist them with two mountain bike incidents they had running concurrently in Grenoside Woods. A vehicle and section of team members were dispatched from fundraising to assist but were stood down en route when it was established that Woodhead had enough people to deal with both incidents. 

Date: Thu 02 May 2024

Team members involved: 12

Cowper Stone

Incident 48 -Thursday 2nd May 2024, 0833hrs The team were called to search for a cyclist who had become disorientated in the thick fog near stanage. The team deployed sections to his last know position and commenced a search. Whilst we were formulating a wider search plan the missing cyclist turned up safe and well at his home address. 

Date: Sat 27 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 19

Cutthroat Bridge

Incident 47 - Saturday 27th April 2024, 12:18hrs   The team were deployed to assist a walker who’d taken a tumble on the moors above the A57 sustaining a chest injury. Team members at base doing some equipment fettling were able to deploy to the road head in vehicles and were rapidly with the casualty. After a medical assessment, the patient was stretchered to a waiting ambulance for onward transport to hospital. 

Date: Sun 21 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 25


Incident 46 - Sunday 21st April 2024 15:57hrs. The team were called to a climber who had fallen approximatly 8m whilst ascending a route in the Mississippi Butteress area of Stanage.  A team member who was climbing nearby was on scene quickly and confimed the climber had sustained potentially serious injuries. The climber was treated for his injuries before being evacuated down to Helimed 54 for further treatment and transportaion to the Regional Trauma Unit in Sheffield.  Thank you to the climbing community for their assistance in the evacuation of the casualty.  

Date: Sat 20 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 15


Incident 45 - Saturday 20th April 2024 15:30hrs The team were requested to attend an incident in the Castleton area of the Peak today. A mountain biker had suffered a serious injury after a fall while ascending Pindale. The biker was wearing an helmet which saved him from even more serious injuries. After treatment and evacuation to Helimed 54, the gentleman was transferred to Sheffield trauma unit.   Thank you for the people that had came to his aid.    

Date: Sat 13 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 18

White Edge

Incident 44 - Saturday 13th April 2024,   19:18hrs We were requested to assist a member of a walking group who was reported as struggling to continue whilst walking on White Edge.  Upon the teams arrival at the Grouse PH and with a few members already on the hill the group had managed to make their way off to the roadside without requiring any assistance.  If you need help on the hills, remember to call 999 and ask for POLICE - MOUNTAIN RESCUE

Date: Thu 11 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 16

Peak Cavern Hillside

Incident 43 - Thursday 11th April 2024,  12:25hrs Not long after standing down from incident 42, the team was called again to assist a walker who had  slipped on the hillside above Peak Cavern and sustained a leg injury.   Team members were still out and about from the previous job so were able to locate the casualty quickly (with assistance from a phone find) before packaging them in a MR stretcher and sledging them back down to Castleton.  If you need help on the hills, remember to call 999 and ask for POLICE - MOUNTAIN RESCUE

Date: Thu 11 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 12


Incident 42 - Thursday 11th April 2024,  11:11hrs The team was called to assist a walker who had  slipped whilst walking through the Longshaw Estate and injured their arm. However we were stood down after the National Trust Wardens and evacuated the walker back to Longshaw House in one of their vehicles. If you need help on the hills, remember to call 999 and ask for POLICE - MOUNTAIN RESCUE

Date: Mon 08 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 11

Peters Barn, Edale Valley

Incident 41 - Monday 8th April 2024,  12:16hrs The team was called to assist a walker who had  slipped on a muddy path and sustained a badly fractured ankle whilst walking between Edale and the Great Ridge. After being administered pain relief by team members the walkers leg was splinted and they were evacuated down to road for onward transport to hospital.  If you need help on the hills, remember to call 999 and ask for POLICE - MOUNTAIN RESCUE

Date: Sun 07 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 1


Dog Callout 8  7th April 2024,  2148hrs Searchdog Hope and her handler called to assist Derby MRT with an incident in Staffordshire  

Date: Sun 07 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 17


Incident 40 - Sunday 7th April 2024, 10:32hrs The team were called to assist a walker who had fallen and sustained a knee injury on the muddy paths above Losehill Farm. Local team members were rapidly on scene, and treated the casualty before evacuating them back to the road for onward travel to hospital.   if you need help on the hills, remember to call 999 and ask for POLICE - MOUNTAIN RESCUE

Date: Sat 06 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 24

Redmires Reservoir

Date: Sat 06 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 22

Yorkshire Bridge

Date: Fri 05 Apr 2024

Team members involved: 15

Rivelin Rocks

Incident 37 - Friday 5th March 2024 13:40 hrs. Reports of a climber injured at Rivelin Edge from Yorkshire Ambulance Service.  A climber had sustained a 8m fall and landed on rocks injuring his back and head. Fortunately his helmet did its job and protected his head from serious injury. Team members treated him for the injuries before being packaged onto our vacuum mattress and stretcher. He was then carefully managed hand over hand down the boulder field where we were able to put the wheel on. The ground was fairly treacherous caused by the extremely wet weather we have had, so with due care we extricated him down to the road head and the awaiting ambulance for transportation to Sheffield Northern General Hospital and further treatment. 

Date: Sun 24 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 16

Mam Tor

Incident 36 - Sunday 24th March 2024 09:34hrs. The team responded to an incident on Mam Tor.   A walker out walking with their family had suffered a medical emergency near to the summit of Mam Tor. Multiple agencies were tasked to attend. Unfortunately, the walker was pronounced deceased by a doctor. Our thoughts go out to the walkers family and friends on this very sad day for all involved. Thank you to the members of the public for all their help

Date: Thu 21 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 4


Incident 35 - Thursday 21st March 2024 08:00hrs A small section of team members travelled to Doncaster to assist Woodhead MRT, Yorkshire SAR and Mountain Rescue Search Dogs England with a search for a vulnerable missing person. After a full day of searching was concluded with no success the search was stood down.   

Date: Sun 17 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 13

Cowper Stones

Incident 34 - Sunday 17th March 2024 15:49hrs. A request from East Midlands Ambulance Service to an incident at Cowper Stones, Stanage Edge. A lady enjoying the afternoon sunshine with a walk along the top of Stanage Edge, slipped and injured her ankle rendering her unable to weight bear. Several team members were at base, so were able to quickly reach the lady to begin giving care. After assessment the lady had indeed suffered an isolated ankle injury and was given pain relief before splinting and placing on our stretcher for evacuation to the road and the awaiting EMAS crew for onward transportation to Chesterfield Royal Hospital.  

Date: Sat 16 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 1


Dog Callout 7 - 16th March 2024 1930hrs Search dog Ebba called to assist Glossop MRT with an incident in the Glossop Area 

Date: Sat 16 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 17


Incident 33 - Saturday 16th March 2024 14:18hrs. As several team members were providing safety cover for the Grindleford Gallop a request from Derbyshire Constabulary to an incident at Stanage Edge. The report was that a climber had taken a 10 m fall and had suffered back and head injuries around the Flying Buttress area.  Team members from the Grindleford Gallop were first on scene, and on arrival at the casualty site started to perform a primary survey. As more team members arrived on scene it was found to be isolated to a lower back injury with moderate pain levels, although he had banged his head on the fall, he had not suffered any injury due to him thankfully wearing an helmet.  He was treated and packaged for the mechanism of injury into a full body splint, (vacuum mattress) and placed upon our mountain rescue stretcher to conveyed back to the car park and handed over to the East Midlands ambulance crew for transport to Sheffield Northern General hospital for further assessment and treatment.    

Date: Fri 15 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 12


Incident 32 - Friday 15th March 2024, 12:42hrs The team were contacted by the PDMRO controller to assist a walker who had injured their leg on Losehill.  The team were rapidly on scene to assess and treat the walker, splinting the offending leg before a quick stretcher carry back to the 4x4 team vehicles and a ride back to the road and the rest of the casualties party who were able to convey them to medical help. 

Date: Wed 13 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 18


Incident 31 - 2024  Wednesday 13th March 2024 19:35hrs We were contacted by the duty controller along with Buxton MRT, Kinder MRT, Glossop MRT and MRSDE to search for two walkers lost in the Edale Area. Due to the walkers having no phone signal after the initial 999 call, we were unable to communicate with them or use Phone Find to establish their location.  So it was time to go old school and brush off the "Kinder Plan" which used to be a frequently used search plan in the dim and distant past prior to Phone Find. The four teams were deployed into their respective areas of Kinder to search for the missing couple, who were located by an Edale Section Grindsbrook.  Other than being wet and cold they were unharmed and were able to walk back down into Edale in time for them to catch a train home. 

Date: Wed 13 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 11


Incident 30 - 2024  Wednesday 13th March 2024 11:43hrs Were called out by EMAS to a walker on a footpath between Castleton and Hope who had slipped and sustained an ankle injury.  The walker was given pain relief before being loaded onto our stretcher and carried back to the ambulance at the road.   

Date: Tue 12 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 13


Incident 29 - 2024 Tuesday 12th March 2024 13:00hrs. A request from Derbyshire Constabulary to an incident somewhere in Baslow. All the information we received was an elderly lady in a field, fallen, unable to walk and a post code. The team were mobilized to the post code via Google maps, hoping that either more precise information came through or we found the lady on arrival. Derbyshire Constabulary also dispatched some police officers who managed to arrive there ahead of ourselves and help the lady to her home.  Our first local team member on scene  advised our duty officer and we were able to stand down the rest of the team and vehicles.

Date: Fri 08 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 18

Millstone Edge

Incident 28 - Friday 8th March 2024 16:46hrs. A request from Derbyshire Constabulary to an incident at Millstone Edge. A climber on Dextrous Hare  E3 (5c) Suffered a 10M fall when he slipped and his protection failed. After a primary survey by a team membet, he was found to be sufferering from lower spine and upper pelvic pain. He was given pain relief before being Immobilised in a vacuum  mattress with a pelvic binder in place for the potential pelvic injuries.. After being placed on the team stretcher he was moved hand over hand to the top of the crag and then handed over the the Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire air ambulance for transfer to the trauma unit at Sheffield Northern General Hospital for further assessment and treatment.

Date: Sun 03 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 21

Sir William Hill

Incident 27 - Sunday 3rd March 2024 16:50hrs. A request from Derbyshire Constabulary for a lady having a possible medical episode. As team members were finishing the previous incident, it allowed us a quick response to the Eyam Moor area to assist the lady and her partner. A local team member was swiftly with the couple and after an assessment, the lady felt able to be slowly walked back to the Sir William Hill byway. After another assessment by a team doctor, everything seemed in order to be able to return home with relevant advice. The couple were driven to Eyam by a team member to collect their car to self convey back to their home.

Date: Sun 03 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 16

Winnats Pass

Incident 26 - Sunday 3rd March 2024 15:52hrs. The second request of the day from East Midlands Ambulance Service to an incident opposite Speedwell Cavern on Winnats Pass. The informant reported that a young man had slipped and had sustained a lower leg injury. With team members still at base, relaxing after completing the annual casualty care exam, we were able to give a very fast response and the first team member was at the casualties side within 25 mins. After an initial assessment and pain relief, the leg was splinted and the young man was placed onto our Mountain Rescue stretcher and sledged and wheeled across the tops to  Blue John cavern. After a short wait the East Midlands Ambulance Service crew arrived where the casualty was handed over to the crew for further assessment and conveyance to hospital and further treatment. 

Date: Sun 03 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 22

Stoney Middleton

Incident 25 - Sunday 3rd March 2024 12:47hrs. A request from East Midlands Ambulance Service to a lady who had slipped and was unable to walk. A couple of our local ex team members, one a doctor, were quickly with the lady at the top of the steep slope that leads from Mill Lane over to Eyam via the Vinegar stone. Most team members responded from base as it was our annual casualty care examination day. On arrival it was clear the lady was in a lot of pain from a dislocated shoulder injury. With strong analgesia administered, and after a couple of attempts to relocate the shoulder joint, it was decided to sledge her on our mountain rescue stretcher down the slope to Mill lane to await the ambulance arrival. The lady was conveyed to hospital for further treatment, back to base for most to finish off the days examinations and restock kit.     

Date: Sat 02 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 2


Dog Callout 6, 2nd March 2024 15:25hrs Search Dogs Hope and Ebba called to assist Woodhead MRT with an incident in the Wincobank area of Sheffield.   

Date: Sat 02 Mar 2024

Team members involved: 19


Incident 24 - Saturday 2nd March 2024 11:23hrs. A request from Derbyshire Constabulary to a person with an ankle injury at Birchens Edge. After a W3Ws from the casualty was not accurate, a phonefind position was sent to the informants number. This as well as being able to chat to the informant put their position at the southern tip of Big Moor nearby to Clod Hall X roads area. Team personnel were diverted and soon with the casualty. Mild pain relief was administered before being placed onto a mountain rescue stretcher for the short journey to the road. The casualty was happy to be conveyed in their own vehicle to A+E. Back to base for drying of all the very sodden gear, ready for any further requests. 

Date: Sat 24 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 22

Stanage (Overstones Fm)

Incident 23 - Saturday 26th February 2024 16:30hrs. We were called by Derbyshire Police to attend to reports of a crashed paraglider towards Cowper Stone end of Stanage . An informant had witnessed the pilot take a hard landing; suffering lower leg injuries.  The first team members quickly located the casualty who wasn’t too far from the road and provided pain relief before packaging them on a MR stretcher and bringing them down to a waiting East Midlands ambulance.   

Date: Mon 19 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 13


Incident 22 - Monday 19th February 2024 16:07hrs. As team members were making their way back to base for a much needed sort out of kit, the Peak District Mountain Rescue controller contacted us once again for an incident in Castleton. Friends out walking above the ridge of Cavedale had a mishap when one of them slipped on very steep and wet ground. We were quite quickly on scene where we assessed the injuries, administered mild analgesia and loaded onto the stretcher for a controlled lower down the slope to the awaiting East Midlands Ambulance crew for onward transport to hospital. Finally we could make the short journey to Edale base to sort all the kit from the days incidents. For several team members it was a quick bite to eat before attending a team operational management meeting until 22:45. Phew! 

Date: Mon 19 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 11


Incident 21 - Monday 19th February 15:22hrs. Once again we had just finished the second job of the day when another request came in for our assistance. The report was a little spurious, but after some digging around it was to assist a fallen walker on the top of Stanage Edge near to Robin Hoods cave. A very young child had slipped between two rocks and had immediately cried out in pain. Team members along with two of our doctors were soon on scene and treating the little boy, while team members comforted the childs mother. He had suffered some quiet serious injuries to his head and stomach, his conscious levels were not what we were comfortable with either. Several Woodhead Mountain Rescue Team members also came to bolster numbers from the Rivelin incident. The Derbyshire Rutland & Leicestershire air ambulance was also in attendance and supported our doctors with care of the child.

Date: Mon 19 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 15


Incident 20 - Monday 19th February 2024 15:11hrs. A second call of the day saw us diverting to Stanage Edge to reports of a climber taking a 6m fall. As team members arrived at Stanage they made their way up to the Casualty site to join ambulance crew who were already on scene. The casualty was treated for what appeared to be a very nasty broken arm, given strong analgesia and packaged onto a Mountain Rescue stretcher to be carried back down to Hooks Carr for onward transportation to Sheffield Northern General Hospital and further treatment. As team members were tidying away kit, another request for our help came in.

Date: Mon 19 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 8


Incident 19 Monday 19th February 2024 13:43hrs. A request from Yorkshire Ambulance Service to assist moving a casualty from some woods in the Rivelin Valley. Just as team members started to arrive at the RV, a second request for the teams assistance to a climber that had taken a six metre fall. Team members were diverted to this more serious incident, and Woodhead Mountain Rescue Team were asked to take over the ambulance assist.  

Date: Sun 18 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 18

Mam Tor

Incident 18 - Sunday 18/02/2014 13:04hrs. As team members started to tuck into some lunch after a busy casualty care lecture morning, a request from Derbyshire Constabulary came in to an incident on MamTor. A gentleman out walking with his partner had a medical episode and suffered a period of unconsciousness. Team members were quickly on scene and started to access the gentleman.  Fortunately the gentleman was able to walk back to the road under supervision of team members to the waiting ambulance for further assessment from the crew.

Date: Sat 17 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 11


Incident 17 - Saturday 17th February 16:46hrs. The team were requested by Woodhead Mountain Rescue Team to assist them with a search for a vulnerable male in the Armthorpe area of Doncaster. Eleven Team members along with, "Hope", one of the teams Mountain Rescue Search Dogs England, searched designated areas. After several hours the good news came in that the gentleman had returned home and was now safe. Yorkshire Lowland search and rescue and Lincolnshire Lowland search and rescue were also tasked with search areas.

Date: Thu 15 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 12


Incident 16 - Thursday 15th February 14:18hrs. A call from Derbyshire Constabulary to basically the same spot as yesterday's casualty. A family on holiday had their day cut short when Dad slipped on wet, muddy and steep ground. It was dejavu for team members who were soon with the family and looking after the Dad. After a primary survey, an isolated knee injury appeared to be the only injury. After a good dose of entonox, the knee was splinted and  the gentleman placed onto our mountain rescue stretcher.  We lowered the stretcher with the aid of a back rope, down the steep slope and then wheeled to the car park. The family were happy to self convey to hospital, and after a final checkup by a East Midlands Ambulance paramedic, they were able to drive to the hospital.

Date: Wed 14 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 15


Incident 15 - Wednesday 14th February 15:41hrs. The team deployed on the early evening of Valentines Day to help a damsel in distress near the Devils Arse. Todays casualty ‘loved’ mountain rescue so much this was the second time a team had helped her out she had previously been rescued by Keswick MRT !!! A visitor to our patch, slipped and injured her arm on very wet and muddy steep ground on the slopes next to Peveril Castle. After strong analgesia and then splinting, the lady was packaged onto our mountain rescue stretcher and sledged down the slope with the aid of a back rope. Once back at the car park, the lady was transferred to the awaiting East Midlands Ambulance Service for transportation to Sheffield Northern General Hospital for further treatment. 

Date: Tue 13 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 12

Stanage Edge

Incident 14 - Tuesday 13th February 2024 18:41hrs. A couple out walking became disorientated on Moorland behind Stanage Edge and rang for assistance.  They were located via SARLOC technology and asked to wait for us to get to them. A group of team members had met up for pancakes in Hathersage and were dispatched to assist, we believe  somewhere between the third and fourth helping although this is unconfirmed. They quickly located the walkers and guided them back to their vehicle non the worse for their ordeal. Both walkers were well equipped with warm clothing, torches and a whistle. They did exactly the right thing asking for help.   

Date: Tue 13 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 14

Houndkirk Track

Incident 13 - Tuesday 13th February 2024 12:51hrs. For the fourth day in a row, a request for our assistance. Yorkshire Ambulance Service requested the team via Sarcal to an elderly walker who had taken a tumble on the Houndkirk track near to Fox House. As team members arrived and started their way down to the casualty and ambulance crew in two team vehicles, a passing member of the public had picked the crew and casualty up in their 4x4. After speaking with the ambulance crew they were happy for us to stand down.

Date: Mon 12 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 13

Parkin Clough

Incident -12 Monday 12th February 2024 15:38hrs. A request for assistance via Derbyshire Constabulary to an injured walker. The casualty had slipped on very wet and muddy ground at the top of Parkin Clough below Winn Hill, and had consequently suffered a painful ankle injury. Several team members were in Hathersage, so were quickly on scene at the RV,  Within 15 mins of arrival, the first team member was with the casualty and friend to give initial care. Despite the very boggy conditions, a team Landrover was able to drive close to the location with more team members and kit, so further treatment and packaging could commence.  Others endured the Parkin Clough challenge on foot. The two walkers had been there for some time and were beginning to feel the effects of the cold conditions, so that was also a priority to stop the effects of the cold getting any worse. Once we were happy that everything was under control, we preceded to evacuate by stretcher down to Ladybower Dam wall to the awaiting East Midlands Ambulance Service crew for transportation to Northern General Hospital. All done for 17:21hrs but back to base for a clean up and replenish of kit

Date: Sun 11 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 20

Mam Tor Ridge

Incident 11 - Sunday 11th February 2024 11:02hrs. Derbyshire Constabulary requested our assistance to a walker with a suspected fractured ankle on the Great Ridge above Castleton today. With our equipment checking underway at base, team members were very quickly on scene via Only Grange Farm. After an initial assessment and strong analgesia, the offending ankle was realigned and splinted. The walker was placed on a Mountain Rescue stretcher and evacuated back to the farm to the East Midlands Ambulance crew for transportation to Sheffield Northern General Hospital and further treatment.     

Date: Sat 10 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 19

Higgar Tor

Incident 10 - Saturday 10th February 2024 12.15hrs We were called directly by Yorkshire Ambulance Service to reports of a walker who had taken a potentially sizeable fall from the rocks at the southern end of Higgar tor . Although the fall wasn’t witnessed a passing Mountain Leader was able to provide initial first aid as the incident was passed through to us . Due to the potential for serious injuries Helimed 98 (Yorkshire Air Ambulance) was also dispatched and arrived at roughly the same time as the first team members.  The casualty was treated for their injuries before being stretcher to the Helicopter for a flight to Northern General Hospital; accompanied by one of our team doctors.  

Date: Wed 07 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 16

Baslow Edge

Incident 9 - Wednesday 7th February 2024 1607hrs A request from Derbyshire Constabluary to an elderly dog walker who became stuck on the rocks below Baslow Edge while trying to retrieve their dog that had decided to go off piste slightly. Due to the possibility of the person slipping and causing at the least an injury, team members were very quickly on scene. Initially two local team members arrived just ahead of the main draft of responders. They were able to take control of the situation and with a team dog whisperer and chaperone, the person was able to be helped from their predicament and back to the safety of the edge path, non the worse for the experience. 

Date: Tue 06 Feb 2024

Team members involved: 13

Padley Gorge

Incident 8 - Tuesday 6th February 2024 12:01hrs.   A walker slipped on wet and muddy ground while walking with friends in the Padley Gorge area of Longshaw. Local team members were swiftly on scene followed by the other team members with the necessary kit. After assessment for a isolated ankle injury, the walker was given mild analgesia and placed on a mountain rescue stretcher and conveyed down to the station car park at Grindleford.  Fortunately a member of the family was able to self convey to hospital for further treatment.

Date: Tue 30 Jan 2024

Team members involved: 1

Shipley Wood

Dog Callout 5  -  Tuesday 30th January 2024  0413hrs Search dog Dottie and her handler assisted Derby MRT with an incident near Ilkeston.   

Date: Sun 28 Jan 2024

Team members involved: 16

Moscar Lodge

Incident 7 - Sunday 28th January 2024, 13.15 hrs Just as team member were returning from incident number 006 we received another call; this time to attend to a fallen walker on the Moscar estate above the A57.  Team members redeployed from our base plus other locations in the Hope valley to RV at Cutthroate Bridge before deploying onto the hill.  The casualty was located behind a stile and stone wall suffering from a painful upper leg injury. They were given strong pain relief before being packaged in a MR stretcher and evacuated back down to the A57 to meet another waiting ambulance. 

Date: Sun 28 Jan 2024

Team members involved: 23

White edge lodge

Incident 6 - Sunday 28th January 2024, 11.30 hrs We were called to assist East Midlands ambulance service who were responding to reports of a walker suffering from a serious medical incident near to White Edge Lodge on the Longshaw estate.  Luckily a large number of team members were available and the incident wasn’t too far from the lodge; enabling a rapid evacuation back to the waiting ambulance and on to hospital for further treatment.