Support us
Friends in High Places
The aim of Friends in High Places (FiHP) is to provide all manner of support to Edale Mountain Rescue Team (EMRT) allowing team members to focus on helping those in difficulty on the hills.
FiHP members help the team in many ways and volunteers are always welcome. Assistance with fund raising and equipment maintenance. Acting as casualties for team training sessions. Providing administrative support with fund raising, publicity and project management.
If you would like to support Edale MRT, drop us an email!
As a member of FiHP you will receive a Newsletter three times a year to keep you informed of Edale MRT and FiHP activities which you can receive on line which reduces our stationery and postage costs. If you live in or near to the Peak District, depending on your skills and interest, you have the opportunity of supporting Edale MRT in a number of very interesting and practical ways.

You could be a member of the FiHP committee, who work closely with Edale MRT and take part in and help coordinate fund raising activities. Fundraising takes place in many ways, including collecting in supermarkets, street collections and country shows. Very often these are joint Edale MRT / FiHP events. However team members may well be involved in a call out, therefore if FiHP are not there, fundraising stops.
Marshall’s are required at checkpoints during the Annual Nine Edges event in the autumn. Collection Boxes in shops, pubs and cafes need servicing. Individual initiatives include sponsored events and selling home-made jam.

Equipment Maintenance and Vehicles
Equipment night takes place on one Tuesday evening and one Sunday morning each month. Team members use the time to maintain, check and replenish equipment. If you are able to help on equipment nights in a consistent way on a regular basis, you will be most welcome. The team has a dedicated Vehicle Officer, who is a member of FiHPs, whose role it is to maintain and service all of the teams vehicles.

Practice Casualty for First Aid Training
Would you feel comfortable working as a practice casualty in a supported hill environment in all weathers? If you are a hill walker, climber or fell runner, this may be for you. Guidance for the role will be given.

Practice Casualty for Search Dog Training
On some Sunday mornings throughout the year, Search and Rescue Dog Association (SARDA) training takes place in the Peak District and over weekends about once a month in other parts of England in mountain and hill areas. If you are comfortable working with dogs in all weathers, an experienced hill walker, your assistance would be most welcome in this interesting aspect of mountain rescue. The skill, ability and enthusiasm of the dogs will amaze you.

There's always a job to be done!
If you are interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor please email us.
If you require assistance from Mountain Rescue:
DIAL 999
Ask for Police & Mountain Rescue
Give the operator the exact location of the incident, the nature of any injuries, the number of casualties and your phone number
Stay near your telephone and stay put until told otherwise